04 May 2019


2019年3月に,IMFのペーパーCorporate Taxation in the Global Economyが公表された(ここからダウンロード可)。

この文書は,「価値が創造される場所」での課税という掛け声が真の進歩の基盤として不十分である(Executive Summaryの第2段落)という認識にたち,議論の現状を整理したうえで,法人課税改革の4つの代替案についてプラグマティックな視点から利点と欠点を示す。検討される4つの代替案は,ミニマムタックス,国境税調整つきの利潤税,定式分配,残余利益分割。41頁のTable 2に検討の結果がまとめてあり,これをもとにいろいろと議論できる。あたりまえのことだが,各国が一致して代替案を採用するか,一国だけで代替案を採用するかで,まったく評価が異なってくる。


13. The BEPS project and other recent multilateral initiatives have focused on tax avoidance rather than what is arguably an even greater concern: tax competition. Such competition is most evident in trends in statutory rates of corporate income tax (CIT) (Figure 2), though it takes other forms too (such as special tax incentives). The consequent revenue losses can plausibly outweigh those from avoidance. OECD (2015e), for example, estimates an overall revenue loss from avoidance of up to 10 percent of corporate income tax revenue; that would be equivalent to a cut in the statutory rate of around 2.5 percentage points—only about half of what has been observed since 2005, making avoidance harder could result in tax competition becoming more intense—particularly for real investments. Whether tax competition is set to intensify remains unclear, though some see the reduction in the U.S. federal corporate income tax rate as likely to stimulate rate cuts elsewhere.
