21 December 2017



Tax Cuts and Jobs Actが,上院下院でいずれも僅差で可決されていた。1986年改正のときと異なり,共和党と民主党とがまったく対立する中でいそいで通過。過半数にしていわば力ずくで通したこの立法プロセスについては,民主主義にとって禍根を残すというコメントが,かねてより英国のメディアからなされていた


17 December 2017



現状,秦正彦氏の米国税法改正案「Tax Cuts and Jobs Act」(13)「両院一致法案原文公表・週明けの本会議投票までいよいよ秒読み」は,来週の本会議可決の「最後まで予断を許さない」と指摘。可決されれば,米国法人税率が21%に急減するし,いよいよterritorialへ移行,移行措置として一括税,GILTI(Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income)への超過収益課税,BEAT(Base Erosion Anti-abuse Tax)の導入などなど,米国国際課税ルールの風景が一変する。もちろん,利子費用控除を調整課税所得の30%に制限するとか,Bonus Depreciationの減価償却を100%にするとか,パススルーの扱いとか,一般的なビジネス課税ルールが大変革されるから,日本のみならず世界各国からの投資との関係でも要注目。目が離せない。Daily Tax Update - December 16, 2017: Conference Committee Tax Bill Releasedも有益。

Saturday, December 16, 2017

09 December 2017

The Games They Will Play

The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the New Legislationは,13名の教授が連名で,上院案と下院案とで現在調整中の米国税制改革法案が,

  • タックスプランニングを生じさせ(Tax Games)
  • WTO協定違反などの障害にぶつかり(Roadblocks)
  • 条文起草の誤りや不明確さが予期せぬ増減税を生む(Glitches)


Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. and Batchelder, Lily L. and Fleming, J. Clifton and Gamage, David and Glogower, Ari D. and Hemel, Daniel Jacob and Kamin, David and Kane, Mitchell and Kysar, Rebecca M. and Miller, David S. and Shanske, Darien and Shaviro, Daniel and Viswanathan, Manoj, The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the New Legislation (December 7, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3084187

なお,改正案の国際的側面については,欧州からも,US Tax reform – Penalizing Intra-Firm Importsが批判。

06 December 2017

石井博士のASIL Insights


拙稿"International Law and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes"がASIL Insightsに掲載されました。 

New ASIL Insight: "International Law and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes" by Yurika Ishii

05 December 2017



タイトルシェアリング・エコノミーの問題点 : 課税上の観点から
注記シェアリング・エコノミーの問題点―課税上の観点から―国⽴国会図書館 調査と情報―ISSUE BRIEF― 第985号 No. 985(2017.11.30) シェアリング・エコノミーの問題点 ―課税上の観点から― 国立国会図書館 調査及び立法考査局 財政金融課 佐藤さとう 良りょう ● シェアリング・エコノミーでは、主に個人間でサービスが提供されるために、プラットフォームを介して得られた所得を課税当局が正確に把握できない等、課税上の問題が指摘されている...
別タイトルIssues on Taxation Relating to the Sharing Economy

03 December 2017


DECEMBER 01,2017

Press Contact:

202-224-4515, Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless

Finance Committee Announces Improvements to Senate Tax Bill

After robust discussions across the Senate Republican Conference, and because a revenue “trigger” does not comply with reconciliation rules, the Senate Finance Committee made further modifications to the underlying legislation to further reflect member priorities.  The amendment was filed this evening.  A full copy can be found HERE.  
These changes include:
  • Additional tax relief for small business
  • Additional support for expensing – a key driver of economic growth
  • Property tax deduction for state and local governments (SALT) – that is in line with the House bill
The changes do NOT include:
  • Automatic tax increases
  • Trigger

Modifications include:
  • A deduction up to $10,000 in property taxes paid to state and local governments (SALT). This provision reflects the treatment of property taxes in the House-passed bill.
  • Increasing the deduction for small business owners’ qualified business income from 17.4 percent in the underlying bill to 23 percent.
  • Extending 100 percent expensing for qualified business property by four more years, gradually decreasing over time, adding to the five years included in the underlying bill.
  • Preserving existing business structure commonly referred as IC-DISC (Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation). This will allow pass-through businesses to benefit from the international tax reforms included in the bill.
  • Eliminating an Obamacare restriction on the deductibility of medical expenses. This will allow medical expenses to be deducted if they exceed 7.5 percent of a taxpayers’ adjusted gross income, rather than the 10 percent threshold under current law.   
  • Maintaining existing contribution limits and rules for employees of tax-exempt and governmental organizations. The underlying bill included some restrictions on the way these employees could contribute to these plans. 
The manager’s package will also incorporate the policies from amendments that were filed to the bill. A full list of those amendments will be released later today.



Daily Tax Update Resources for Tax

02 December 2017


Search Results

Story image for us senate tax from BBC News

US Senate passes sweeping tax overhaul bill

BBC News-1 hour ago
US senators have passed a sweeping tax cuts bill, paving the way for Donald Trump's first big legislative victory. The package would mark the biggest tax overhaul since the 1980s. It was passed by 51 votes to 49, after a series of amendments in a marathon session. Democrats complained it only benefited ...