05 July 2020

IFA Cahier 2020が出ていた


まず105aが,BEPS防止措置条約実施条約(MLI)によって租税条約ネットワークがどう変わっているかを検討。General Reportは次の2部構成。
Part One: Impact of the BEPS Actions and the MLI on the Tax Treaty Network
1.1. Background to the BEPS Actions and the MLI
1.2. Direct impact of the BEPS Actions and the MLI
1.3. Indirect impact of the BEPS Actions and the MLI(BEPSプロジェクトの過程で締結された二国間租税条約や,MLI署名後に締結された二国間租税条約に対する影響)
Part Two: Practical Implementation of Provisions of the MLI
2.1. Procedural aspects(批准や統合テクストの問題)
2.2. Interpretation issues relating to the MLI and the covered tax agreements
2.3. Interpretation issues relating to other tax treaties
2.4. Tax planning after the BEPS Action Plan

105bは,情報交換の問題を扱う。General Reportは次の章立て。
1. Instruments and processes of international application
2. Instruments and processes of regional application(EU法とUS FATCA)
3. Select issues on the handling of tax information subjected to EOI(秘密保持・データ保護・内部通報保護・盗まれたデータの使用)
4. Impacts of virtual currencies on the established EOI frameworks
5. Conclusion
