COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Tax and Fiscal Policy in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis: Strengthening Confidence and Resilience (p. 736)
Sarah Perret, Pierce O’Reilly, Kurt Van Dender
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Solidarity in the European Union in the Time of COVID-19: Paving the Way for a Genuine EU Tax? (p. 743)
Edoardo Traversa, Gianluigi Bizioli
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Italy’s Tax and Fiscal Policy Measures at the Time of the COVID-19 Crisis: ‘Tax Peanuts’ Without a New Deal (p. 761)
Gianluigi Bizioli, Giorgio Beretta
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: COVID-19 and Taxation in Southeastern Europe (p. 769)
Svetislav V. Kostic
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: The Paycheck Protection Programme: A Tax Expenditure in Reverse? (p. 787)
Victor Thuronyi
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: COVID-19 and US Tax Policy: What Needs to Change? (p. 790)
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Tax Policy and the COVID-19 Crisis (p. 794)
John Vella, Alice Pirlot, Richard Collier