19 September 2017


  1. トップ
  3. Policy(提言・報告書)
  5. 税、会計、経済法制、金融制度
  7. 平成30年度税制改正に関する提言

Policy(提言・報告書) 税、会計、経済法制、金融制度平成30年度税制改正に関する提言

一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会

【 概要 】


【 本文 】




  1. (1) 事業再編の円滑化
    1. スピンオフ税制に関する適格要件の緩和
    2. 産業競争力強化法の見直しに伴う税制措置の新設・延長
    3. 株対価M&Aに関する検討等
  2. (2) 投資減税(データの高度活用を促す税制措置の整備等)
  3. (3) 行政手続の簡素化・IT化
    1. 納税者の事務負担軽減・利便性向上に資する電子申告制度等の構築
    2. 特別徴収税額通知の取り扱い
      1. 特別徴収税額通知(特別徴収義務者用)における個人番号記載の不要化
      2. 特別徴収税額通知(納税義務者用)の電子交付化
  4. (4) 人材育成等


  1. (1) 土地に係る固定資産税の負担軽減
  2. (2) 新築住宅に係る固定資産税の軽減特例の延長
  3. (3) 各種特例措置の延長等


  1. (1) 地方法人課税改革
    1. 償却資産に係る固定資産税の抜本的見直し
    2. 地方法人所得課税のあり方
    3. 電力・ガス供給業における収入金課税の見直し
    4. 事業所税
  2. (2) 収益認識基準の開発に伴う税制上の対応
  3. (3) 印紙税の一層の軽減
  4. (4) 原子力発電施設解体準備金の見直し
  5. (5) 各種特例措置の維持・存続・延長・拡充
    1. 海外投資等損失準備金の維持・存続
    2. 金属鉱業等鉱害防止準備金の維持・存続
    3. 国際船舶に係る登録免許税・固定資産税特例の延長・拡充
    4. 国内線就航機の固定資産税軽減措置の延長
    5. 公害防止用設備に係る固定資産税の課税標準の特例の延長
    6. 倉庫用建物等に係る割増償却、倉庫等に係る固定資産税特例の延長
    7. 放送ネットワーク災害対策促進税制の延長
    8. 国家戦略特区に係る特例の延長・拡充等
  6. (6) その他
    1. 投資法人に係る税制措置の整備
    2. 欠損金の繰越期間の延長、繰戻還付の復活
    3. 受取配当益金不算入制度における負債利子控除の廃止
    4. 原料用途免税の本則非課税化
    5. 留保金課税の見直し
    6. 一般寄付金の損金算入限度額に関する計算方法の見直し
    7. 国土強靭化に資する税制措置


  1. (1) 外国子会社合算税制の見直し
    1. 外国関係会社で発生するキャピタル・ゲインに対する課税の見直し
    2. 受取利子
    3. コンテンツ事業者が行う著作権事業に係る事業基準の見直し
    4. 外国金融子会社等に対する手当て
    5. 非関連者介在取引の明確化
    6. 化石燃料投資からの配当に係る10%持分要件の鉱物資源投資への適用
  2. (2) BEPS勧告の国内法制化に関する課題
    1. 利子控除制限
    2. 移転価格税制
    3. 義務的開示制度
  3. (3) 租税条約ネットワークの充実
  4. (4) その他
    1. 外国税額控除の改善
    2. 移転価格税制における国外関連者要件の見直し
    3. 外国子会社配当益金不算入制度の見直し


  1. (1) 地球温暖化対策税の抜本的な見直し
  2. (2) 森林環境税
  3. (3) 省エネ・再エネ投資を支援する税制措置の整備
  4. (4) 石油関係諸税の負担軽減
    1. バイオETBE配合ガソリンに係るエタノール相当分の揮発油税・地方揮発油税免税制度の延長
    2. 消費税とのTax on Taxの解消、当分の間税率の廃止
    3. 軽油引取税に係る免税措置の維持・存続



  1. (1) 95%ルールの復活
  2. (2) 非課税取引への配慮
  3. (3) 外国証券等の譲渡に係る消費税の内外判定基準の明確化


  1. (1) 退職年金等積立金に係る特別法人税の廃止
  2. (2) 確定拠出年金制度の拡充


  1. (1) 個人所得課税の見直しへの対応
  2. (2) 金融・証券・保険税制
    1. NISA(つみたてNISA含む)、ジュニアNISAの恒久化・利便性向上等
    2. 金融所得課税のさらなる一元化の検討
    3. 生命保険料控除制度の拡充
    4. 上場株式等の相続税評価額等の見直し
  3. (3) 高齢者が有する資金等の若年層への移管を促す税制措置の検討


税制調査会 2017年度



2018年4月19日~20日に台北にて、IFAアジア太平洋地域第4回会合となるIFA Asia-Pacific Regional Tax Conference が開催されます。
詳細は追ってお知らせいたします。 こちらをご覧ください。
Plenary 1 - Future Tax Policy Trend
Plenary 2 - Digital economic development in Asia
Plenary 3 – Increasing Transparency in Asia
Plenary 4 - Moot Court
Plenary 5 – Future of TP - Moving towards Profit Split? How?
Plenary 6 – Futures of Capital Market in Asia

18 September 2017

Legal Interpretation of Tax Lawが第2版になっていた


Legal Interpretation of Tax Law, Second Edition

Edited by Robert F. van Brederode, Richard Krever

Series on International Taxation Volume 46
Legal Interpretation of Tax Law is a comprehensive multi-jurisdiction survey of the interpretation of the corporate income tax and VAT and GST or other general sales tax laws. As a result of the globalization of trade and business, tax departments and their external advisors are increasingly required to deal with the tax law of foreign jurisdictions. Effective consulting, whether internal or external, requires not only knowledge of tax law per se but also of how tax law is explained and interpreted by the courts of foreign jurisdictions. This book is the first to deal comparatively with tax law interpretation in economies engaged in cross-border investment at a global level.
What’s in this book:
Leading experts from fourteen jurisdictions – ranging from long-standing common law and civil law countries to emerging economies and transitional economies shifting from socialist to market systems – provide detailed analysis and commentary on such tax law topics and issues as:
  • methods of tax law interpretation used in each jurisdiction;
  • how the judiciary is organized in each jurisdiction as regards tax law;
  • the role, if any, of the central government’s high court in providing precedent and guidelines for interpretation;
  • external sources a court can consider when interpreting legislation;
  • constitutional restrictions on the interpretation of legislation;
  • prevalence of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR);
  • ‘transplanted’ categories (undefined terms that are clarified through the meaning of those same terms in another law);
  • the concept of ‘ordinary income’;
  • the concept of ‘capital’ expenses;
  • interpretation of tax treaties; interpretation of key concepts in VAT and GST law, and
  • interrelation of judicial interpretation and administrative interpretation.
The introduction outlines the theoretical approaches to legal interpretation in general and gives an overview of issues and topics relevant to taxation – designed to help readers understand the jurisdictional chapters that follow. Each author pays detailed attention to such documentary elements as explanatory memoranda, administrative rulings, judicial precedents, judgments of foreign courts, legislative debates, and OECD guidelines.
How this will help you:
This book helps practitioners and academics gain insight into how tax law and its provisions, in general and in particular, are likely to be applied to different types of cross-border transactions and investments. This unmatched resource thus serves as a handbook of information to tax departments and their advisors, tax lawyers working for international law firms and accounting firms, and in-house tax professionals working for multinational companies.

PUBLISH DATE09/08/2017
PRODUCT LINEKluwer Law International



15 September 2017


‘Tax system integrity in a digital age’ 13th International Conference on Tax Administration 5th & 6th April 2018, Sydney, Australia
Call for Papers

08 September 2017


パネルのペーパーがアップされていた。最近のWorld Tax Journalにもこの関連の論文がいくつか出ていたし,どんどん新しい論文が量産されている印象。Hat tip: TaxProfBlog via @masayoshimu

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Tax Prof Panel On A U.S. Perspective On Tax Compliance And Tax PrivacyAt Cambridge

CambridgeWilliam Byrnes (Texas A&M), Michael Hatfield (University of Washington), Leandra Lederman (Indiana-Bloomington), and Adam Thimmesch (Nebraska) participated in a panel on Tax Compliance and Tax Privacy: A U.S. Perspective at the 35th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime yesterday at the University of Cambridge:
This panel of US tax academics explored cutting edge issues in tax compliance, information reporting, and tax privacy. The topics include recent developments in the behavioral economics and psychology of tax compliance, and the rapidly evolving use of technology and big data in tax enforcement and its impact on the privacy of taxpayers

30 August 2017


Jaehoo Lee教授,Iijin Chi氏,Yunhee Cho氏による共訳であり,詳細な186の訳注が韓日比較を行っている。

판형/쪽신국판 / 456면
수  량

12 August 2017

Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond (2017)がでていた

Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond

A true reflection of the Voices of Asia – top tax administrators, leading academics and industry thought leaders discuss the BEPS Project in the context of Asia’s unique conditions.
Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond
Sam Sim, Mei-June Soo
Date of publication:
Type of publication:
Print book
Number of pages:
± 730
Shipping fees apply. View shipping information
EUR 110 / USD 120 (VAT excl.)
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Asian Voices: BEPS and Beyond
Why this book?
The OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project has, thus far, mostly been an OECD-driven project. Nevertheless, its efforts in involving representatives from developing and emerging countries in the Asia-Pacific region have been encouraging and are laudable, given the tremendous challenges of achieving global consensus in a highly technical field and the tight time frame of the BEPS Project. The Asia-Pacific region poses unique challenges in its great diversity of economic development, as well as cultural and legal traditions. Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Korea, as OECD members, are at the forefront of tax innovation and development, while China, India and Indonesia are at the table as members of the G20. However, the majority of the countries in the region are non-OECD, non-G20 developing countries. For these developing countries, the BEPS changes will bring added challenges at a time when their economies are rapidly transforming and they are in the midst of absorbing and legislating pre-existing international tax principles and modernizing their tax administration.
The purpose of this book is to enrich the current discourse on the work of the OECD, by drawing on the top minds in tax and transfer pricing across Asia-Pacific. It aims to fill a void in the BEPS debate where the Asian perspective and the impact of the unique conditions in the region on the outcome of the BEPS Project may not have been adequately articulated or considered.
This book takes the form of a series of analyses, commentaries and case studies, grouped along geographic, industry and thematic lines, critically examining the implications of the BEPS Project for the region. The approach taken is multifaceted, encompassing perspectives from key tax administrators and policymakers, leading academics and thought leaders in the advisory space, balanced with industry views and practical case studies applying the BEPS recommendations to business models common to the region. 
Foreword by H. David Rosenbloom