BEPS行動5で、有害税制フォーラム(FHTP:Forum on Harmful Tax Practices)によるピアレビューが継続している。その最新アップデートが、2021年8月5日に公表された。各国の具体的な措置が書かれているので、コピペしておこう。赤字や下線は増井による。
- At its April 2021 meeting, the Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP) took new conclusions on 25 regimes as part of the implementation of the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard.
- Based on an earlier government commitment, the Australian Offshore banking regime has now been abolished, with grandfathering provided to existing taxpayers within the FHTP’s timelines.
- In addition, the Philippines will abolish its Regional operating headquarters regime as of 1 January 2022 (without grandfathering) and is "potentially harmful but not actually harmful" for the time being.
- The United States has also confirmed its intention to abolish the Foreign derived intangible income (FDII) regime, which has therefore been classified as "in the process of being eliminated".
- Government commitments were also made for six other regimes that are now "in the process of being amended/eliminated" (Dominican Republic, Gabon, Sint Maarten and Jordan).
- As Trinidad and Tobago was not able to fulfil its commitment to abolish its Special economic zone regime within the agreed timelines, it is now considered "harmful".
- Two newly introduced regimes were concluded as "not harmful" (Hong Kong (China) and Georgia).
- Finally, the FHTP reviewed 12 regimes for the first time and these are now "under review" (Armenia, Eswatini, Honduras, Lithuania and Pakistan).
- OECD「有害税制 – 優遇税制に関する 2017 年進捗報告書」(2018.09)
- 国内外の法人課税に関する調査21-28頁(2019.03)
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