12 October 2015



The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Every silver lining has a cloud (20)
Egypt after the Arab spring
A dud return to democracy (44)
Europe’s migrant crisis
Angela the beleaguered (85)
India and the environment
Greenery by stealth (21)


  1. 小田さん,印刷版53頁の記事は,ここから読めます。

  2. TPPの記事に出てくる欧州司法裁判所(ECJ)の事件は,Max Schremsで検索すると,たちどころに出てきます。もし原文を読みたければ,

    Data and privacy (1)
    Get off of my cloud

    A European court ruling presages a transatlantic battle over data protection and privacy

    Oct 10th 2015 | From the print edition

    EVEN before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) struck down the “safe-harbour” privacy pact between the European Union and America on October 6th, data-protection lawyers were in high demand. American clients asked if their firms’ data-flows across the Atlantic would become illegal—and if so, how to cope? The fears were justified. Though the ruling does not “break the internet”, as doom-mongers have it, businesses may have to find awkward and costly workarounds for data transfers, or shift to European data centres. More broadly, it marks a worrying escalation of a transatlantic row over privacy and data protection.


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