関連記事ーWSJ,WSJ日本,NYT,日経,Reuters,そして,Steptoeのこのサイトにはこれまでの税制改革案との比較表がある。ある辛口のコメントは,これはtax reformでもなければplanでもなく,「ロースクールの租税法Ⅰの学生が24時間以内で(より上手に)こしらえる」ようなラフなアイディアにすぎないと評している。
関連記事ーWSJ,WSJ日本,NYT,日経,Reuters,そして,Steptoeのこのサイトにはこれまでの税制改革案との比較表がある。ある辛口のコメントは,これはtax reformでもなければplanでもなく,「ロースクールの租税法Ⅰの学生が24時間以内で(より上手に)こしらえる」ようなラフなアイディアにすぎないと評している。
- American Enterprise Institute, Why Can’t the GOP Come Up With Any Serious Ideas?
- The Atlantic, How America's Vision of Progressive Tax Reform Died
- Bloomberg, The Fate of Trump’s Tax Cut Rests With These Six Senators
- Bloomberg, Potential M&A Boom from Tax Cuts Hinges on Interest Deductions
- Bloomberg, Tax Reform Could Open Up a Huge Loophole for the Wealthy
- Bloomberg, Trump Says He Expects Tax Bill Approval by Year’s End
- Bloomberg, Trump’s Tax Cuts Seen Producing Short Job Growth ‘Sugar High’
- Bloomberg View (Al Hunt), Count the Broken Promises in the GOP Tax Plan
- Bloomberg View (Noah Smith), Economists Have No Use for Republican Tax Cuts
- Bloomberg View (Megan McCardle), These Are No Reagan Tax Cuts
- CSPAN, House Democratic Forum on Tax Reform
- Forbes, Yes, Tax Reform Is Possible. Here Are The Next Steps After The Release Of The Big 6 Framework
- Fortune, Trump’s Reform Plan Is All About Cutting Taxes—For Trump
- Huffington Post (Robert Reich), Why We Must Raise Taxes On Corporations And The Wealthy, Not Lower Them
- National Review, A Big, But Fixable Problem With the GOP Tax Framework
- National Taxpayer Advocate, Tax Reform: Hope Springs Eternal This Fall
- New York Magazine, Trump’s Tax Plan: Prioritize Cuts for the Rich, Say He Isn’t
- New York Times, Lobbyists Rally to Save Tax Breaks Under Thret in Trump Plan
- New York Times, In Battle Over Tax Cuts, It’s Republicans vs. Economists
- New York Times, In Trump Tax Plan, a Windfall for Businesses Large and Small
- New York Times, The Republican Tax Plan’s Magic Asterisk
- New York Times, Right and Left React to Trump’s Tax Cut Proposal
- New York Times, Tax Plan Punts on a Loophole for the Wealthy
- New York Times, Trump to Propose Sweeping Tax Cut for Corporations and Individuals
- New York Times, Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades
- New York Times, Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump
- New York Times, Will a Corporate Tax Holiday Give Workers Anything to Cheer?
- New York Times, With Tax Cuts on the Table, Once-Mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Chirp.
- New York Times editorial, A Boondoggle Masquerading as Tax Reform
- New York Timkes op-ed, Four Rules for the Coming Tax Reform Debate
- Politico, After Triumphal Rollout for Tax Reform, GOP Faces the Reality of Delivering
- Politico, Trump Hits the Road to Sell Tax Plan – But Some Worry What He'll Say
- Tax Foundation, Eliminating the SALT Deduction Under the “Big Six” Tax Plan
- Tax Foundation, What Would the “Big Six” Framework Mean for Lower-Middle Income Households?
- TaxVox, Six Takeaways From The White House and Hill GOP's "Big Six" Tax Plan
- TaxVox, A Tax Break on Repatriated Earnings Will Not Trickle Down to U.S. Workers
- U.S. News & World Report, The Biggest Losers: Working Families Lose – and the Trump Family Wins – in the GOP Tax Plan
- Vox, Republicans Are Desperately Hoping They Can Find Unity Over Tax Cuts
- Wall Street Journal, A Big Tax Question: What Happens to the Medical-Expense Deduction?
- Wall Street Journal, GOP Tax Overhaul Plan Aims for Deep Cuts for Businesses, Individuals
- Wall Street Journal, The GOP Tax Plan: Tough Choices With Limited Room to Maneuver
- Wall Street Journal, GOP Tax Plan to Allow for Top Individual Rate Above 35%
- Wall Street Journal, Republican Tax Plan Quickly Hits First Hurdle
- Wall Street Journal, Steven Mnuchin, a Newcomer, Tilts at Washington’s Hardest Target: The Tax Code
- Wall Street Journal, Tax Proposal Is Winner For Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal, Treasury Removes Paper at Odds With Mnuchin’s Take on Corporate-Tax Cut’s Winners
- Wall Street Journal, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: GOP Tax Plan Would More Than Offset Its Cost
- Wall Street Journal, Why the GOP’s Tax Plan Could Leave High-Wage Earners With Little to Gain
- Wall Street Journal, Winners and Losers Under the Trump Tax Plan
- Wall Street Journal editorial, Tax Reform, If You Can Keep It
- Wall Street Journal op-ed (Steven Kandarian), CEOs Should Swear Off Loopholes
- Wall Street Journal op-ed (David Ricks), Why Tax American Companies Twice?
- Washington Post, $5 Trillion Question for Trump Tax Plan: How to Pay For It
- Washington Post, GOP Proposes Deep Tax Cuts, Provides Few Details on How to Pay For Them
- Washington Post, How Tax Cut Plan Could Benefit Trump and Wealthy Staffers
- Washington Post, Trump Aides Sell Tax Plan With Pinocchio-laden Claims
- Washington Post, Will the Middle Class Catch a Tax Break? Hard to Tell, Experts Say.
- Washington Post editorial, Trump’s Tax ‘Miracle’: Cowardice and Dishonesty
- Washington Post Fact Check, Will the Wealthy Get a Tax Cut Under President Trump's Plan
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