19 November 2015


International Conference on Taxpayer Rights

1 comment:

  1. 米国の内国歳入庁のTaxpayer Advocate Serviceが主催している。会議の宣伝文から引用すると・・・
    Convened by National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson of the Taxpayer Advocate Service of the US Internal Revenue Service, an independent organization within the IRS that protects taxpayers rights and helps taxpayers resolve problems, this ground-breaking conference will bring together presentations from government officials, scholars, and practitioners from around the world to explore how taxpayer rights serve as a foundation for effective tax administration.

    Panelists will discuss issues such as:
    Rights to confidentiality and privacy in an age of transparency;
    The role of tax tribunals in protecting taxpayer rights;
    Taxpayer rights and procedural justice in audit and collection activities;
    The roles of taxpayer advocates, defenders, and ombuds in protecting taxpayer rights and promoting voluntary compliance;
    Challenges in operationalizing taxpayer rights in both mature and developing tax administrations; and
    Guiding theory and principles underlying taxpayer rights.


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