最近の租税事件を含めて,そのおりおりに思ったことの断片をつづります。 Candid and biased, and hopefully stimulating, comments on recent tax developments in Japan (and other matters).
20 December 2015
- 銀行に金融庁の立ち入り検査。Xは銀行の取締役であり,のちに代表執行役。
- 2010年3月5日付けの株式譲渡契約に基づき,Xが,銀行株式950株をD社に譲渡。1株あたり33万5000円。譲渡益が出る。
- 9月10日に銀行が経営破たん。
- 10月20日付けの株式譲渡契約に基づき,Xが,銀行株式3100株を,税理士Cに譲渡(本件株式譲渡)。一株あたり1円。ここから譲渡損が出たとして申告。
- 中野税務署長が,本件株式譲渡を譲渡所得の計算の基礎に含めることができないとして,更正。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
そこでは触れていない点を補足しておく。クロスボーダー組織再編で用いられるdebt-push downsに対するtargeted rulesについては,2014年12月の討議文書においては,targeted rulesの対象として言及されていた(パラ181)。今回の報告書では,第9章がtargeted rulesについて述べているが,特にこの点に関する具体的な言及が見当たらない。ということは,米国でPfizer/Allerganのインバージョンについて指摘されているような利子費用控除の問題には,とくに個別措置を勧告しているわけではないということ。
そこでは触れていない点を補足しておく。クロスボーダー組織再編で用いられるdebt-push downsに対するtargeted rulesについては,2014年12月の討議文書においては,targeted rulesの対象として言及されていた(パラ181)。今回の報告書では,第9章がtargeted rulesについて述べているが,特にこの点に関する具体的な言及が見当たらない。ということは,米国でPfizer/Allerganのインバージョンについて指摘されているような利子費用控除の問題には,とくに個別措置を勧告しているわけではないということ。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
租税研究794号(2015年12月)に,ベーカー&マッケンジーのEugene Lim et al.による講演「Rise of regional headquarter incentive programmes in Southeast Asia: implications for Japanese multinationals setting up Asian Regional Headquarter operations」が載っていた。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
所得に対する租税及びある種の他の租税に関し、脱税又は租税回避を通じた非課税又は課税の軽減(第三国の居住者の間接的な利益のためにこの協定において与えられる租税の免除又は軽減を得ることを 目的とする条約漁りの仕組みを通じたものを含む。)の機会を生じさせることなく、二重課税を除去するための新たな協定を締結することを意図して、
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
- 総論:所得税,法人税,相続・贈与税の体系と基本的な考え方
- 各論 1: 所得税の基礎知識
- 各論 2: 法人税の基礎知識
- 各論 3: 相続税・贈与税の基礎知識
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
17 December 2015
14頁のExecutive Summaryの一節を引用しておこう。すなわち,食料品・水道・エネルギー製品に対する軽減税率についての評価である。
The Distributional Effects of Consumption Taxes in OECD Countries
In series:OECD Tax Policy Studies
Published on December 10, 2014
The Distributional Effects of Consumption Taxes in OECD Countries
In series:OECD Tax Policy Studies
Published on December 10, 2014
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
14 December 2015
大阪地判平成27年4月14日 清算手続結了前の株式相続と,清算後の留保利益分配へのみなし配当課税
A ――――→ X
- 株式会社Bの破産手続が開始している中で,2006年に株主Aが死亡して相続開始。
- 2007年にB社の清算手続が開始し,相続人Xらが,B社株式などにつき相続税の申告。この株式は,財産評価基本通達189の6により,清算の結果分配を受ける見込みの金額によって評価。
- 2010年にB社の清算手続が結了し,Xらに対して解散により残余財産分配(「本件各分配金」)。
A ――――→ X
- (あ)だと,Aがみなし配当課税を受けて(所得税),税引後の相続財産がXの相続税の対象になる。
- (い)だと,Xが株式につき相続税の課税を受け,しかるのち,Xがみなし配当課税を受けるであろう(所得税)。そして,(い)について,少なくとも相続後かなりの時期がたっていれば,所得税が課されるという結論に異論は少ないであろう。(株式の取得価額が引き継がれるという暗黙の前提を置いているが・・・)。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
11 December 2015
次ページ |
Issue Date | Authors | Title | OtherTitle | Series |
10-Jul-2015 | 高橋, 滋 | 献辞 | Dedication | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 佐藤, 弥恵 | 一般国際法から見るWTO 法上の義務の性質 | The Legal Nature of WTO Obligations from the Perspective of General International Law | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 宮崎, 綾望 | 租税行政の国際的動向 : 協力的コンプライアンス(Co-operative Compliance)の意義と課題 | Co-operative Compliance under Japanese Tax Law | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 小野, 秀誠 | オーストリア一般民法典(1811年、ABGB)の200年 : 啓蒙と官房学の結合 | Rechtspraktiker und die Entstehung des österreichischen BGB(ABGB) | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 阿部, 雪子 | 土地信託方式における空中権取引の課税 | Taxation of Transactions of Air Rights under the Land Trust System | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 山田, 洋 | 洪水防御と土地利用計画 : ドイツの「浸水地域」制度をめぐって | Hochwasserschutz und Raumplanung : Über die Überschwemmungsgebiete in Deutschland | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 河野, 真貴子 | アメリカ化学物質管理法制度におけるリスク評価のコントロール(2) | Control of Risk Assessment in the U.S. Chemicals Management System(2) | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 濱田, 洋 | 必要経費における「関連性」 | Relevance of Necessary Expenses in the Income Tax Act 37(1) | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 藤木, 貴史 | アメリカの集団的労使関係法における熟議民主主義 : 被用者自由選択法案を題材として | Deliberative Democracy in American Labor Law : An Analysis of the Debate on the Bill of the Employee Free Choice Act | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 加藤, 友佳 | 同性婚と相続税・遺産税 : Burden 判決・Windsor 判決を中心として | Same-Sex Marriage and Inheritance・Estate Taxes : the Burden and Windsor Cases | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 赤松, 晃 | 帰属主義による国際課税原則の見直しの意義と機能 : 半世紀ぶりに改正された外国法人課税を中心にして | The Significance and Functions of the 2014 Tax Reform in Line with the Authorized OECD Approach( AOA), Focusing on the Taxation of "Permanent Establishments" | - |
前ページ | 次ページ |
Issue Date | Authors | Title | OtherTitle | Series |
10-Jul-2015 | 赤松, 晃 | 帰属主義による国際課税原則の見直しの意義と機能 : 半世紀ぶりに改正された外国法人課税を中心にして | The Significance and Functions of the 2014 Tax Reform in Line with the Authorized OECD Approach( AOA), Focusing on the Taxation of "Permanent Establishments" | - |
10-Jul-2015 | - | 水野忠恒名誉教授 略歴 | Short Biography of Emeritus Professor Tadatsune MIZUNO | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 大林, 一広; 飯田, 連太郎; ジョナサン, ルイス | 政治的暴力と語り : 内戦、議会、自動内容分析 | Political Violence and Talk: Civil War, Parliament, and Automated Content Analysis | - |
10-Jul-2015 | リュック, ホイシュリング | 君主の投票権を通してみた君主政 : 歴史的比較法的分析 | La monarchie au prisme du droit de vote du monarque : Une analyse historique et comparée | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 棟久, 敬 | 信教の自由の保護範囲と国家の宗教的・世界観的中立性(2) | Der Schutzbereich der Religionsfreiheit und die religiöse-weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates(2) | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 芳賀, 真一 | 国際取引に対する消費課税の方法が厚生に与える影響についての仮想の市場を用いた模擬実験 : 仕向地原則と原産地原則、そして半額課税を比較する | Simulation of International Consumption Taxation : Destination or Origin Principle? | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 水野, 惠子 | 「受益者等課税信託」と「受益者等が存しない信託」との関係における検討 | Taxation on Beneficiaries of Personal Trusts and Trusts without Beneficiaries | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 高橋, 滋 | 原子力関連施設をめぐる紛争と行政訴訟の役割 : 補論 | Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions Regarding Safety Regulations for Nuclear Power Plants in Japan Following the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster | - |
10-Jul-2015 | - | 水野忠恒名誉教授 著作目録 | List of Works by Emeritus Professor Tadatsune MIZUNO | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 小泉, めぐみ | 課税繰延とキャピタルゲイン課税 : Law and Finance の視点に基づく分析 | Tax Deferral and Capital Gains Tax : Analysis Based on Law and Finance | - |
10-Jul-2015 | 李, 鈞 | 清末民国期におけるローマ法研究 | Studies of Roman Law in China : From the Late Years of the Qing Dynasty to the Period of the Republic of China | - |
前ページ | 次ページ |
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
01 December 2015
30 November 2015
26 November 2015
モントリオールで,Brian Arnold教授の記念大会
モントリオールでCanadian Tax Foundationの大会があり,Brian Arnold教授が70歳になられたのを記念して,BEPSの実施についてのボーナス・セッションがあった。また,その翌日に小人数での討議セッションがあり,CFC(David Rosenboom),利子費用控除(Scott Wilkie),租税条約(Jacques Sasseville),CbCと義務的開示(Shawn Porter),多国間条約(Andrew Dawson)について突っ込んで議論したのち,BEPS2015年成果物の「出来具合を採点」する総括(Hugh Ault and Graeme Cooper)があった。カッコ内の名前がそれぞれの討議リーダーである。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
25 November 2015
- タイトルと前文が,租税回避の防止を含んでいる
- 1条2項が,透明事業体についてのルール
- 5条のPEの定義が,契約分割や補助的活動,コミッショネアなどへの対策を盛り込む
- 11条4項の利子条項で,back-to-back financing arrangementへの0%税率適用を排除
- 23条1項でLOB,2項でPPT,そして3項で国内法上の租税回避防止規定の適用可
ただし,savings clauseは入っていない。また,次の点も注目に値する。
- 7条は旧型であり,AOAは取り入れなかった
- 28条で,源泉税還付の手続ルール
- 30条で,個人情報保護のルールを明記
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
22 November 2015
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
19 November 2015
16 November 2015
14 November 2015
加藤晴久『ブルデュー 闘う知識人』(2015年)
社会学の本でないなら,何の本なのか,と問われれば,ブルデューへのわたしのオマージュであると答えよう。(「あとがき」より)人間として,知識人として,社会学者として,どういう人であるかを識るからこそ書けるオマージュだ。ブルデューの同時代知識人に対する評価と ブルデュー社会学の理論的骨格がくっきりと浮かび上がる。終章「若い読者のために」は,必ずしも若くない読者(これから社会学に限らず幅広い諸学問領域に参入しようとする学生)にとっても,ブルデューの何をどう読むかを明快に教える。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
10 November 2015
Financial Secrecy Index 2015が,米国の金融透明性欠如を批判していた
The Economistのこの記事でカバーされており,もとをたどると,TJNが2015年11月2日に発表したFinancial Secrecy Index 2015があった。米国をワースト第3位にしているところがニュースになる。第1位がスイス,第2位が香港。ちなみに日本は第12位で,CORPORATE TRANSPARENCY REGULATIONの指標が低評価の理由のよう。フル・データは12月に公表予定。関連記事はこれ。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
09 November 2015
08 November 2015
大阪高判平成26・6・18 歯科医の死亡共済金を一時所得とした事例
本件負担金270万円 本件共済金800万円
B ------------------>社団法人A -----------------------> X
親子が歯科医だった。父親のBが死亡して,Xが800万円を受け取った。これが相続税法9条のみなし贈与財産に当たらず,しかも,一時所得の計算上270万円は控除できないとして,Xが敗訴。結論は第1審大阪地裁平成25年12月12日税務訴訟資料263号順号12351も, この控訴審も,同じであるが,理由付けにおける一般論がかなり違う。
B ------------------>社団法人A -----------------------> X
親子が歯科医だった。父親のBが死亡して,Xが800万円を受け取った。これが相続税法9条のみなし贈与財産に当たらず,しかも,一時所得の計算上270万円は控除できないとして,Xが敗訴。結論は第1審大阪地裁平成25年12月12日税務訴訟資料263号順号12351も, この控訴審も,同じであるが,理由付けにおける一般論がかなり違う。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
06 November 2015
2015年11月5日公表の内閣府のサイトをみると,案文そのものはNZのサイトにリンクがはってあり,そのText of the Agreementをたぐっていくと
29. Exceptions and General Provisions
がある。そのうち,Article 29.4: Taxation Measuresが,課税に関する部分である。
Except as provided in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall apply to taxation measures.
5. Notwithstanding paragraph 3:
(a) Article 2.3 (National Treatment) and such other provisions of this Agreement as are necessary to give effect to that Article shall apply to taxation measures to the same extent as does Article III of GATT 1994; and
(b) Article 2.16 (Export Duties, Taxes or other Charges) shall apply to taxation measures.
6. Subject to paragraph 3:
(a) Article 10.3 (National Treatment) and Article 11.6.1 (Cross-Border Trade) shall apply to taxation measures on income, on capital gains, on the taxable capital of corporations, or on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), that relate to the purchase or consumption of particular services, except that nothing in this subparagraph shall prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage that relates to the purchase or consumption of particular services on requirements to provide the service in its territory;
(b) Article 9.4 (National Treatment), Article 9.5 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 10.3 (National Treatment), Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 11.3 (National Treatment), Article 11.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 11.6.1 (Cross-Border Trade) and Article 14.4 (Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products) shall apply to all taxation measures, other than those on income, on capital gains, on the taxable capital of corporations, on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), or taxes on estates, inheritances, gifts and generation-skipping transfers; and
(c) Article 14.4 (Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products) shall apply to taxation measures on income, on capital gains, on the taxable income of corporations, or on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), that relate to the purchase or consumption of particular digital products, except that nothing in this subparagraph shall prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage relating to the purchase or consumption of particular digital products on requirements to provide the digital product in its territory,
but nothing in the Articles referred to in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) shall apply to:
(d) any most-favoured-nation obligation with respect to an advantage accorded by a Party pursuant to a tax convention;
(e) a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure;
(f) the continuation or prompt renewal of a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure;
(g) an amendment to a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure to the extent that the amendment does not decrease its conformity, at the time of the amendment, with any of those Articles;
(h) the adoption or enforcement of any new taxation measure aimed at ensuring the equitable or effective imposition or collection of taxes, including any taxation measure that differentiates between persons based on their place of residence for tax purposes, provided that the taxation measure does not arbitrarily discriminate between persons, goods or services of the Parties;
(i) a provision that conditions the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage relating to the contributions to, or income of, a pension trust, pension plan, superannuation fund or other arrangement to provide pension, superannuation or similar benefits, on a requirement that the Party maintain continuous jurisdiction, regulation or supervision over that trust, plan, fund or other arrangement; or
(j) any excise duty on insurance premiums to the extent that such tax would, if levied by the other Parties, be covered by subparagraph (e), (f) or (g).
11 The Parties understand that this subparagraph must be interpreted by reference to the footnote to Article XIV(d) of GATS as if the Article was not restricted to services or direct taxes.
第7項は,Performance Requirements関係。第8項は,課税と収用の区別にかかわる。第9項がシンガポールの留保を記している。
29. Exceptions and General Provisions
がある。そのうち,Article 29.4: Taxation Measuresが,課税に関する部分である。
Except as provided in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall apply to taxation measures.
5. Notwithstanding paragraph 3:
(a) Article 2.3 (National Treatment) and such other provisions of this Agreement as are necessary to give effect to that Article shall apply to taxation measures to the same extent as does Article III of GATT 1994; and
(b) Article 2.16 (Export Duties, Taxes or other Charges) shall apply to taxation measures.
6. Subject to paragraph 3:
(a) Article 10.3 (National Treatment) and Article 11.6.1 (Cross-Border Trade) shall apply to taxation measures on income, on capital gains, on the taxable capital of corporations, or on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), that relate to the purchase or consumption of particular services, except that nothing in this subparagraph shall prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage that relates to the purchase or consumption of particular services on requirements to provide the service in its territory;
(b) Article 9.4 (National Treatment), Article 9.5 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 10.3 (National Treatment), Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 11.3 (National Treatment), Article 11.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), Article 11.6.1 (Cross-Border Trade) and Article 14.4 (Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products) shall apply to all taxation measures, other than those on income, on capital gains, on the taxable capital of corporations, on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), or taxes on estates, inheritances, gifts and generation-skipping transfers; and
(c) Article 14.4 (Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products) shall apply to taxation measures on income, on capital gains, on the taxable income of corporations, or on the value of an investment or property (but not on the transfer of that investment or property), that relate to the purchase or consumption of particular digital products, except that nothing in this subparagraph shall prevent a Party from conditioning the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage relating to the purchase or consumption of particular digital products on requirements to provide the digital product in its territory,
but nothing in the Articles referred to in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) shall apply to:
(d) any most-favoured-nation obligation with respect to an advantage accorded by a Party pursuant to a tax convention;
(e) a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure;
(f) the continuation or prompt renewal of a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure;
(g) an amendment to a non-conforming provision of any existing taxation measure to the extent that the amendment does not decrease its conformity, at the time of the amendment, with any of those Articles;
(h) the adoption or enforcement of any new taxation measure aimed at ensuring the equitable or effective imposition or collection of taxes, including any taxation measure that differentiates between persons based on their place of residence for tax purposes, provided that the taxation measure does not arbitrarily discriminate between persons, goods or services of the Parties;
(i) a provision that conditions the receipt or continued receipt of an advantage relating to the contributions to, or income of, a pension trust, pension plan, superannuation fund or other arrangement to provide pension, superannuation or similar benefits, on a requirement that the Party maintain continuous jurisdiction, regulation or supervision over that trust, plan, fund or other arrangement; or
(j) any excise duty on insurance premiums to the extent that such tax would, if levied by the other Parties, be covered by subparagraph (e), (f) or (g).
11 The Parties understand that this subparagraph must be interpreted by reference to the footnote to Article XIV(d) of GATS as if the Article was not restricted to services or direct taxes.
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
05 November 2015
Uberのtax planningが,記事になっていた
2015年10月22日付けFortuneの記事How Uber plays the tax shell gameである。たとえば,ローマでUberを利用して車に乗り,100を支払う。そのうち80はドライバーに,20はオランダのBVに。20のうちコストが10だとすると,コストを差し引いた残りの10がフルに課税されるかというと,そうではない。BVは0.2だけととって,残りの9.8をオランダのUber International C.V.にロイヤルティーとして支払う。CV (commanditaire vennootschap) はオランダ法上のパートナーシップに相当するが,バミューダにheadquarterを置いている。そして,バミューダは課税しないし,オランダも課税しない。なお,Uber International C.V.は米Uberの子会社だが,米国の租税法上,外国法人として扱われ,米国の課税からもシールドされるという。このからくりを,この記事はB.V.-C.V.とか,Double Dutchとかと呼んでいる。ビデオ説明もある。Hat tip: @masayoshimu
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
04 November 2015
03 November 2015
02 November 2015
2016 International Conference on Tax Administration: Call for Papers
The 12th International Conference on Tax Administration will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Coogee, Sydney on 31st March & 1st
April 2016. The theme of the conference
will be Global trends and developments in tax administration service
delivery. Those interested in presenting a paper at this conference are
encouraged to submit a proposal that accords with this theme (for
example, digitalisation, simplification, benchmarking,
alternative tax dispute resolution, citizen-focused tax administration,
fostering voluntary compliance, tax administrative responses to BEPS,
Your proposal should include the following details:
title of the paper;
author(s) brief bio and contact details;
an abstract of between 200-500 words of the contents of the proposed paper including its findings;
· status
of the paper (for example, whether it is part of ongoing research or whether it has been previously published, etc).
Proposals should be sent to Binh Tran-Nam at
b.tran-nam@unsw.edu.au with the subject ‘Tax Admin Conference
Call for papers’ by end of Monday 4 January 2016 (Sydney time).
Steering Committee will select papers for the conference and will advise
you of its decision by mid January 2016. Full papers will be required
to be submitted by early March using the conference template.
Selected papers will be published either as book chapters in an edited
book or refereed articles in a special issue of the
eJournal of Tax Research (an A ranked journal in the Australian
Business Dean Council’s Journal Quality List 2013). Papers submitted on
time will be eligible for the Cedric Sandford Medal.
about the conference should be directed to Binh Tran-Nam, Chris Evans
and Michael Walpole
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
31 October 2015
2015年10月22日に,英国財務省(HM Treasury)が次の文書を公表し,コメントをつのっていた。すなわち,
- 行動4(利子費用控除)につき,Tax deductibility of corporate interest expense: consultation
- 行動5(パテントボックス)につき,Patent Box: substantial activities
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
28 October 2015
2015年10月19日から23日に,ジュネーブでEleventh Session of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Mattersがあった。この文書のパラ13によると,今後は年2回開催にするという。議題は,PEの定義におけるconnected projectsの意義や,extractive industriesの課税(下記リンク)など。
work presented for approval (and approved) by the Committee:
a proposal to work on the following guidance notes:
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
26 October 2015
China and Britain
Republicans in Congress
Argentina’s election
Mental-health research
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
20 October 2015
19 October 2015
Great-power politics
Britain and Europe
Cloud computing
Canada’s election
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
18 October 2015
Angus Deatonが2015年ノーベル経済学賞
このひと。需要の推計についてAlmost Ideal Demand(AID) Systemを考えた。また,Milton Friedmanの恒常所得仮説を実証データで覆した。今回の受賞について,AID論文共著者のJohn Muellbauerは,エビデンス・ベースの経済学の勝利だといっているらしい。「らしい」ということを含めて,この記事の受け売りなのですが。
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
16 October 2015
11. A comprehensive package of measures has been agreed upon. Countries are committed to this comprehensive package and to its consistent implementation. These measures range from new minimum standards to revision of existing standards, common approaches which will facilitate the convergence of national practices and guidance drawing on best practices. Minimum standards were agreed in particular to tackle issues in cases where no action by some countries would have created negative spill overs (including adverse impacts of competitiveness) on other countries. Recognising the need to level the playing field, all OECD and G20 countries commit to consistent implementation in the areas of (1)preventing treaty shopping, Country-by-Country Reporting, fighting harmful tax practices and improving dispute resolution. Existing standards have been updated and will be implemented, noting however that not all BEPS participants have endorsed the underlying standards on tax treaties or transfer pricing. In other areas, such as recommendations on hybrid mismatch arrangements and best practices on interest deductibility, countries have agreed a general tax policy direction. In these areas, they are expected to converge over time through the implementation of the agreed common approaches, thus enabling further consideration of whether such measures should become minimum standards in the future. Guidance based on best practices will also support countries intending to act in the areas of mandatory disclosure initiatives or controlled foreign company (CFC) legislation. (2)There is agreement for countries to be subject to targeted monitoring, in particular for the implementation of the minimum standards. Moreover, it is expected that countries beyond the OECD and G20 will join them to protect their own tax bases and level the playing field.
(1)preventing treaty shopping, Country-by-Country Reporting, fighting harmful tax practices and improving dispute resolution.
Existing standards have been updated and will be implemented, noting however that not all BEPS participants have endorsed the underlying standards on tax treaties or transfer pricing.
In other areas, such as recommendations on hybrid mismatch arrangements and best practices on interest deductibility, countries have agreed a general tax policy direction. In these areas, they are expected to converge over time through the implementation of the agreed common approaches, thus enabling further consideration of whether such measures should become minimum standards in the future.
Guidance based on best practices will also support countries intending to act in the areas of mandatory disclosure initiatives or controlled foreign company (CFC) legislation.
11. A comprehensive package of measures has been agreed upon. Countries are committed to this comprehensive package and to its consistent implementation. These measures range from new minimum standards to revision of existing standards, common approaches which will facilitate the convergence of national practices and guidance drawing on best practices. Minimum standards were agreed in particular to tackle issues in cases where no action by some countries would have created negative spill overs (including adverse impacts of competitiveness) on other countries. Recognising the need to level the playing field, all OECD and G20 countries commit to consistent implementation in the areas of (1)preventing treaty shopping, Country-by-Country Reporting, fighting harmful tax practices and improving dispute resolution. Existing standards have been updated and will be implemented, noting however that not all BEPS participants have endorsed the underlying standards on tax treaties or transfer pricing. In other areas, such as recommendations on hybrid mismatch arrangements and best practices on interest deductibility, countries have agreed a general tax policy direction. In these areas, they are expected to converge over time through the implementation of the agreed common approaches, thus enabling further consideration of whether such measures should become minimum standards in the future. Guidance based on best practices will also support countries intending to act in the areas of mandatory disclosure initiatives or controlled foreign company (CFC) legislation. (2)There is agreement for countries to be subject to targeted monitoring, in particular for the implementation of the minimum standards. Moreover, it is expected that countries beyond the OECD and G20 will join them to protect their own tax bases and level the playing field.
(1)preventing treaty shopping, Country-by-Country Reporting, fighting harmful tax practices and improving dispute resolution.
Existing standards have been updated and will be implemented, noting however that not all BEPS participants have endorsed the underlying standards on tax treaties or transfer pricing.
In other areas, such as recommendations on hybrid mismatch arrangements and best practices on interest deductibility, countries have agreed a general tax policy direction. In these areas, they are expected to converge over time through the implementation of the agreed common approaches, thus enabling further consideration of whether such measures should become minimum standards in the future.
Guidance based on best practices will also support countries intending to act in the areas of mandatory disclosure initiatives or controlled foreign company (CFC) legislation.
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
15 October 2015
14 October 2015
X -----> A
X -----> A
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
12 October 2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Egypt after the Arab spring
Europe’s migrant crisis
India and the environment
I teach Tax Law at UTokyo.
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